If a parent’s employment ends after birth of the child (e.g. due to contract expiry, retrenchment, or resignation) before he/she has finished using their leave, will the Government grant a top-up of GPMB, GPPB or GPAB for the unconsumed leave?
Parents whose contracts expire, or who are retrenched, before they were able to finish using their adoption / flexible maternity leave / first two weeks of paternity leave, will get a top-up under the equivalent benefit scheme. This recognises that the circumstances of their employment termination are beyond their control.
The top-up will be computed depending on the type of employment termination:
• For contract expiry, any leave that could have been taken before contract expiry, but was not taken will be forfeited. The top-up will be computed based on the Government-Paid leave entitlement that remains after the contract expiry date.
• For retrenchment, the top-up will be computed based on any unconsumed Government-Paid leave.
Parents who resign before they have finished using their paternity / adoption / maternity leave will forfeit all unconsumed leave. Such parents would have made considered decisions to leave their jobs.