29 questions
Silver Concession
Where can I top up my PAssion Silver Concession card/PAssion Silver card (non-concession)?
What is the difference between the current PAssion ez-link card and the new PAssion Silver Concession card/PAssion Silver card (non-concession)?
How do I activate my PAssion Silver Concession card?
How do I apply for the PAssion Silver Concession card?
Why must I go to a TransitLink ticket office or concession card replacement office to activate my PAssion Silver Concession card? Why is the activation process not automatic?
Can I authorise someone to activate the new PAssion Silver Concession card on my behalf?
What is the PAssion Silver Concession Card?
What are the benefits of the PAssion Silver Concession Card/PAssion Silver Card (non-concession)?
I have received the PAssion Silver Card (non-concession). Can I still apply for the PAssion Silver Concession card?
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