8 questions
Manage payment details
I cannot locate the SWIFT BIC for Post Office Savings Bank (POSB). What should I indicate on the application form in the Government-Paid Leave (GPL) Portal?
I edited my email address in the ‘Manage Payment Details’ form in the Government-Paid Leave (GPL) Portal. Why is the updated email address not reflected in the GPL application?
What is the SWIFT BIC for my bank account and where can I find the list of SWIFT BIC?
What should I enter in the bank account number field if I am holding an HSBC/OCBC/SBI account?
Who can create or update information in the “Manage Payment Details” form in Government-Paid Leave (GPL) Portal?
Who can view the ‘Manage Payment Details’ form in Government-Paid Leave (GPL) Portal?
Why does the bank account shown in the Government-Paid Leave (GPL) Portal differ from my previous applications? How do I change it?
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