11 questions
Services / Transactions
I want to have my solemnisation at the Registry of Marriages (ROM) on a particular date but there is no available slots. What can I do?
Can we have our solemnisation at the Registry of Marriages (ROM)?
What should I do if I do not have a credit card to make payment for the Registry of Marriages (ROM) e-services?
What should I do if I do not have Internet access to use the Registry of Marriages (ROM) e-Services?
How much are the registration fees for a Special Marriage License?
What are the fees for other Registry of Marriages (ROM) services?
What are the fees for the various Registry of Marriages (ROM) services?
Do I need to invite a Licensed Solemniser if I am getting married at the Registry of Marriages (ROM)?
How to legalise my Singapore marriage certificate for overseas use?
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