How much are the registration fees for a Marriage Licence?
If either party is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident: $42
If both parties are foreigners: $380
A Singapore Government Agency Website
If either party is a Singapore Citizen or Permanent Resident: $42
If both parties are foreigners: $380
If you would like to have your solemnisation at the Registry of Marriages (ROM) on a particular date but there is no available slots, you may want to consider having your solemnisation at an external venue or changing your solemnisation date.
You may have your solemnisation at the Registry of Marriages (ROM), from Mondays to Fridays, except for public holidays. You may check the Civil solemnisation dates calculator on the Our Marriage Journey website to view the available dates. The dates shown are for reference only.
All booking of solemnisation slots at ROM must be done online when you submit a marriage application. Booking is on a first-come-first-serve basis, subject to availability of slots.
If you wish to have your solemnisation on a weekend or public holiday, you can invite a licensed solemniser to solemnise your marriage at an external venue.
If you do not have a credit card to make payment online, you may make payment at the kiosks located at the Registry of Marriages (ROM) using NETS.
If you do not have internet access to use the e-services, you may use the self-help kiosks at the Registry of Marriages (ROM). The self-help kiosks only accept payment using NETS.
Alternatively, you may also go to any CitizenConnect Centres (CCCs) to make use of the internet services there. You may click here to view the list of CCCs.
Special Marriage License
At least one party is a Singapore Citizen
or Permanent Resident
Waiver of 21 days’ notice
At least one party is under 18 years old
Relationship of a prohibited degree
For Other services:
Search for marriage application
Download summary of marriage application
Change verification of document & declaration (VD) appointment
Change solemnisation details
Correction of error in marriage record
Search for marriage record (online display only)
*Up to 2 free searches over a 12-month period for citizen or permanent resident of Singapore using Singpass
Search for marriage record (certified hardcopy result)
Request for duplicate/extract of marriage
Lodge an objection to marriage (Caveat)
Verify digital copy/extract of marriage certificate
Update Marital Status
(in Singpass Profile for citizen or permanent resident of Singapore)
If you intend to get married at the Registry of Marriages (ROM), you do not need to invite a Licensed Solemniser. An in-house solemniser will be assigned to officiate the ceremony.
To show proof of your marriage to the relevant authority overseas, you may consider applying for a digital copy of the duplicate marriage certificate and you will receive a digital extract copy via email. The overseas authority may verify the document by scanning the QR code on it.
In the event the overseas authority requires the digital copy to be legalised, you may contact the Singapore Academy of Law (SAL) for assistance. For more information, you may visit SAL's website and click the tab "News & Events" for details on the process and procedures.
If you are not able to legalise your marriage certificate as it has been laminated, you may consider applying for a duplicate/extract of your marriage certificate. Please refer to the relevant information below, on the process to apply for a duplicate/extract.
For marriages registered on or after 15 September 1961
To apply for a duplicate digital copy/extract of a marriage certificate for marriages registered on or after 15 September 1961, you may use 'e-Services' on the Our Marriage Journey website (e-Services > Civil marriage – Duplicate of marriage certificate).
Alternatively, you may use the self-help kiosks at the Registry of Marriages located at 7 Canning Rise Singapore 179869, to make the application.
For marriages contracted before 15 September 1961
To apply for a copy of a marriage certificate for marriages contracted before 15 September 1961, you may submit your request via the National Archives of Singapore (NAS) website.