10 questions
Spending Your CDC Vouchers
Am I able to use the CDC vouchers for online purchases?
Are there restricted items that cannot be purchased with the vouchers?
Am I able to use the CDC Vouchers across all districts beyond my residential constituency?
Do I get my change back if the purchase (e.g. $8) is less than the amount of digital vouchers that I want to spend (e.g. $10)?
What happens if I accidentally misplaced my printed vouchers?
Is there a maximum number of vouchers I can spend per purchase?
Previously the CDCs provided an option for residents to donate their CDC Vouchers 2023. Similarly, can I donate my 2024 vouchers for a good cause?
This year, the scheme is targeted to support households in their daily expenses. Will more be done to help the less privileged?
I received an SMS asking me to key in my NRIC and personal details to claim my CDC Vouchers. Is it a scam?
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