15 questions
Taxes and Duties - Income Tax
Why does the Government not exempt older workers (above 55 years of age) from taxation to help them when the economy is not doing well?
Are low-income residents of HDB executive apartments/maisonettes penalised as they get lower quantum of ERS and do not enjoy rebates on S&CC?
Are retrenchment payments taxable?
Can divorcees and widowers claim procreation tax rebates?
Do we have to cash in stock options deemed to be exercised at the point that foreign employees finish working?
I am a single working adult who needs to employ a maid to look after my parent who is seriously ill. Why can I not claim the foreign maid levy relief?
Is it difficult for the public to compute the amount of bank interest that is taxable and the amount of interest exempt from income tax?
What do foreign employees and their companies need to do when they find out their contract is going to end?
What is the change in the taxation system for dividends arising from Budget 2002?
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