10 questions
Reserves - RMGS
Is the Government issuing Reserves Management Government Securities (RMGS) to bolster its reserves?
Will RMGS increase the amount of Net Investment Returns Contribution (NIRC) available for spending? Can this offset planned tax increases?
How is Official Foreign Reserves (OFR) accumulated by MAS? Does Reserves Management Government Securities (RMGS) change this process?
Is MAS financing government expenditure by subscribing for Reserves Management Government Securities (RMGS)?
Is the transfer of foreign assets from MAS to the Government to make up for GICs losses?
What are Reserves Management Government Securities (RMGS)?
What are the benefits of transferring the Official Foreign Reserves (OFR) to the Government?
Why is there a need for the government to issue Reserves Management Government Securities (RMGS)?
With Reserves Management Government Securities (RMGS) and hence not having to draw down on Government Deposits (GDs), can the Government offset planned tax increases?
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