What are the key benefits of Healthier SG?

Having a long-term, trusted relationship with a family clinic allows your doctor to focus more on preventive care to help you stay healthy, detect health issues early, and manage them well.
Healthier SG helps you in 5 key ways:
i. Screenings and vaccinations
Benefit from fully-subsidised nationally-recommended screenings and vaccinations such as influenza shots, based on your age, health conditions and vaccination history, for Singapore Citizens.
Early detection and treatment can help prevent or delay the onset of common chronic conditions and cancers such as diabetes, high blood pressure and cholesterol, colorectal cancer, breast cancer, and cervical cancer.
Click here for nationally recommended screenings and vaccinations
ii. Access to referrals for subsidised specialist care
Get referrals to public specialist outpatient clinics (SOC) for CHAS^, Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders at all Healthier SG Clinics. Receive affordable specialist care, without having to visit polyclinics for referral.
iii. Health Plan follow-up
Start your health journey with a fully-subsidised Health Plan consultation at your first visit to your Healthier SG clinic, and ensure good progress with free annual check-ins, either by phone or during your other medical appointments*.
*Prevailing fees for services outside Healthier SG scope will apply.
iv. Out-of-pocket payments
From early 2024, fully pay with MediSave for treatment of chronic conditions under the Chronic Disease Management Programme (CDMP) without cash co-payment, up to the MediSave withdrawal limit.
v. Subsidies for selected chronic medications
From February 2024, CHAS^/MG/PG cardholders enrolled to Healthier SG GP clinics with higher chronic medication needs will enjoy enhanced subsidies under the Healthier SG Chronic Tier. To find out more about Healthier SG Chronic Tier, click here.
Healthier SG benefits and subsidies are available/accessible at your enrolled Healthier SG clinic.
^The Community Health Assist Scheme (CHAS) enables all Singapore Citizens, including Merdeka Generation (MG) and Pioneer Generation (PG) cardholders, to receive subsidies for medical and/or dental care (Only for CHAS Blue/Orange, MG and PG cardholders) at participating General Practitioner (GP) and dental clinics. To find out more about CHAS, please click here.