23 questions
What is the cost of the flu vaccination?
What is the cost of the pneumococcal vaccination for adults aged 18 years old and above?
Why is it possible for NAIS subsidised vaccinations at CHAS GP clinics cost differently from that at polyclinics?
What is the price of vaccination at the polyclinics for adults aged 18 years old and above?
Hi, I just realised that the clinic I went for the HPV2 vaccine is no longer a TF-SCS Partner. I’ve 2 more does to complete. Do I continue to go to the same clinic for the subsequent appointment by calling them or choose another clinic by booking on the Health Appointment System that is TF-SCS Partner?
If I do not have enough in my MediSave, and I am not able to pay the remaining co-payment, are there other ways to receive the vaccination?
How much do I have to pay if I have the Public Assistance (PA) card?
Can I take the hpv vaccine at a different clinic for my second and third doses and receive the subsidies?
I received sms told me CHAS only can apply Cervarix but not Gardisil 4/9 May I know if I’m going polyclinic does it means I can choose the others?
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