Top Questions From Citizens
- It refers to the grading system adopted by RGS and RI in recording student performance scores for academic subjects in the Raffles Programme. The highest possible Grade Point (GP) for a subject is 4.0, which translates to 80 marks and above, 3.6 for 70-79, 3.2 for 65-69 and so on. The GPA is the overall average GP of six subjects - the five Core Subjects (English Language, Higher Mother Tongue/Mother Tongue, Mathematics, one Science and one Humanities subject), and the best remaining GP from the remaining subjects that a student takes.
What are the school hours for students?
School starts at 7.35am and generally ends by 2.25pm or 2.35pm. Each lesson is about 60 minutes long. Many co-curricular programmes take place in the afternoons. CCAs take place in the afternoons on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays while lessons for Third Language, Music Elective Programme (MEP), Special Art Programme (SAP), Regional Studies Programme (RSP) and Chinese/Malay Special Programmes (CSP/MSP) take place on Friday afternoons. On Wednesday afternoons, students usually take part in Talent Development lessons/activities/consultations as well as House Practices and leadership development activities.Will RGS be increasing its enrolment with the completion of the larger campus?
RGS will continue to adhere to MOE's policies and guidelines on student enrolment and intake every year.What is RGS' vision?
To aspire, strive, and dare to be active creators of a better age for all. This is taken from the school's motto Filiae Melioris Aevi, which is Latin for 'Daughters of a Better Age'.How many CCAs does RGS offer?
We currently have 36 CCAs to cater to the varied interests of our students. Many of these CCAs will excite any student especially when they are presented with opportunities that include competitions, overseas trips, workshops, and performances.
These CCAs are categorised into Physical Sports, Visual & Performing Arts, Uniformed Groups, and Clubs & Societies. We review our CCA provisions from time to time and this list may change accordingly.
Can you have more than one CCA in RGS?
Students are not allowed to join more than one school-based CCA unless permission is given by Principal only.
What is RGS' mission?
Nurturing the high ability girl to be a leader who will realise her talents in service of nation and community.What are RGS' goals?
To develop fine character and well-being, nurture the intellect and fire the imagination of the RGS girl as a:
Person who is purposeful and aspires towards the greater good with integrity, empathy and resilience.
Leader who values diversity, cohesiveness, and inclusiveness in exerting positive influence and impact on the community.
Thinker who demonstrates a disposition for reflective and flexible thinking, and is willing to take intellectual risks, especially in the face of complex and ambiguous situations.
Pioneer who seeks opportunities and embraces challenges with courage to innovate for the common good.
What are RGS' values?
People-Centred, Principled, Passionate, Professional.When was the Gifted Education Programme (GEP) implemented in RGS?
In 1984. We were one of the first two secondary schools to implement the GEP; the other school being Raffles Institution (RI).When did RGS become an Independent School?
In 1993. One of the benefits of being an independent school is the autonomy to develop curriculum materials and adopt teaching approaches that better suit our students.When did RGS offer the six-year integrated programme (i.e. the Raffles Programme (RP))?
Since 2004, students have progressed from the four-year secondary education to the two-year Pre-University/Junior College education without having to sit for the GCE 'O' Level examinations. This allows the school to devote more curriculum time to broadening the students' learning, as removing the time needed to prepare Year 4 students for the GCE 'O' Level exams could be better spent on enriching the curriculum and increasing curriculum time. Also, this facilitates a smoother transition to RI because of the close relationship of the two schools in planning and implementing the RP curriculum.How many students do we have in total and what is the enrolment number for Year 1?
We have a total of about 1,600 students in the four levels. Enrolment of Year 1 students each year is around 400 and our Year 1 students come from more than 100 primary schools nationwide.Is there a maximum number of CCAs that a student can take up?
All students MUST have one CCA. We encourage the RGS girl to concentrate on one CCA and develop her passion for her chosen CCA so that she really gives her best to it. This will leave her with more time to explore other aspects of school life, like talent development programmes, service learning, mentorship and enrichment programmes. Having only one CCA helps every girl balance her learning experiences and manage her time.Will the students have help in choosing their CCAs?
We advise all our girls to make informed choices about her CCA. At the beginning of each year, the Year 1 girls will find out more about CCAs in RGS at 'CCA Orientation'. The Year 1 girls also have a week to visit CCAs that they are interested in to get a 'feel' for the CCAs before making their choices. The girls are encouraged to speak to the Teachers-in-Charge of the CCAs or the senior girls in making their choices. They can choose to attend up to a maximum of six trials.