10 questions
Unexpected charges
I believe I was charged double / overcharged
On my debit card statement, I saw multiple entries titled ‘Parking Pending’ in addition to the ‘Parking Bill’ corresponding to the batched charges. Can you confirm that I have not been double charged? Will the ‘Parking Pending’ disappear?
Why am I getting billed for the entire parking duration which I originally selected even though I ended my session early?
Double charged, please refund!
Is handphone number linked to parking app.
Why do I see parking charges on my credit card bill for days I did not use the app?
How can I seek refund for overpaid parking?
My records show that I need to pay $3.60 for parking at Chinatown area on 3rd May, but $4.20 was deducted from my account on 6th May. May I know why?
Why am I receiving a SMS notification a few days after my parking sessions?
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