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I have received the PAssion Silver Card (Non-Concession). Can I still apply for the PAssion Silver Concession Card?

Updated by PA

No. Each member can only hold either a PAssion Silver Card (Non-Concession) or a PAssion Silver Concession Card.

If you wish to convert your PAssion Silver Card (Non-Concession) to the PAssion Silver Concession Card, please apply via the following channels:

Card Conversion Fee

First conversion - Free

Second and subsequent conversion - $16.10/$15.10+

+Enjoy a discounted card conversion fee when you apply via our self-help channels (TransitLink website and TL SimplyGo app)

Processing Time

TransitLink website/TL SimplyGo app/TransitLink Ticket Office: You will receive your new PAssion Silver Concession (PASC) Card between two and four weeks upon TransitLink receiving your application.

CCRO: You can convert your card on the spot.

Existing TapForMore (TFM) points

Your TFM points will be transferred to the PASC Card and you can continue earning TFM points upon receiving the new concession card^.

^About five working days after receiving the new concession card.

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