I have received the PAssion Silver Card (non-concession). Can I still apply for the PAssion Silver Concession card?

No. Each member can only hold either a PAssion Silver Card (Non-Concession) or a PAssion Silver Concession Card, but not both cards. Should you decide to convert your PAssion Silver Card (Non-Concession) to the PAssion Silver Concession Card, there are four ways to do so:
You may apply online via TransitLink website at www.transitlink.com.sg/lost-card-replacement or
Through the TransitLink SimplyGo mobile app (Download links for: Apple App Store | Google Play), or
Approach any TransitLink Ticket Office. You will receive your PAssion Silver Concession Card within 2-4 weeks upon receipt of your application via the above application modes. Your existing yuu Points will be transferred to the replacement card and you can continue earning yuu Points on the replacement card in about 5 working days upon the receipt of the card.
For an immediate card conversion, you may approach any TransitLink Concession Card Replacement Office, together with your original NRIC, a clear photocopy of the front and reverse sides of your NRIC, and a colour passport-sized photograph (non-returnable) that was taken within the last 3 months against a white background.
Your existing yuu Points will be transferred to the replacement card and you can continue earning yuu Points on the replacement card in about 5 working days upon the receipt of the card.
A fee of $8.10 applies for the first conversion, while the fee is $16.10/$15.10 for the second and subsequent card conversion. Enjoy discounted administrative fee when you apply for your conversion at Self Service Channels such as online and mobile app.
Anyone helping you to apply for the card conversion would have to present his or her own original NRIC/Passport in addition to the above-mentioned items.