13 questions
Do you have "Last Wishes" format in Chinese for the testator to be annexed to the will?
If they have only have LPA but without a will, after passed on what will happen to their assets if no immediate family members to inherit it. Can their donee act of their behalf?
How do I check if deceased has made a will?
Can I create a new will using My Legacy vault?
If there's a fee to create a will?
Is there any legal requirement to make a will?
We have written our wills with the lawyer but was told to do a Data Migration via Gov Portal using Singpass. Is there a new regulation for all wills and LPA to be stored in Gov Portal? Is there any payment to be made for the Data Migration? Is there any imposed deadline for data migration?
Am I able to store my digital written will into this vault?
How to upload my written will and other important document into this Vault?
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