What happens to the CDA balance after my child’s CDA is closed?

When the CDA is closed, unused funds will be automatically transferred to your child’s Post-Secondary Education Account (PSEA) under the Ministry of Education (MOE) in Jan of your child’s 13th year, subject to a cap.
MOE will inform you of the amount transferred to the PSEA within 3 months from CDA closure. MSF will notify CDA trustees if there is excess CDA balance to be returned.
For more information on PSEA, please visit [Ministry of Education’s website](https://www.moe.gov.sg/financial-matters/psea).
*To find out on the transfer cap applicable your child, click on the link and refer to the table based on your child’s year of birth below:
[PSEA cap for 2009 to 2014 cohort](https://www.babybonus.msf.gov.sg/Style%20Library/MSF.BB.ParentPortal/images/Cohort%20Table_090523.docx_safe.pdf) > click to display table (see attachment)