15 questions
Standard Integrated Shield Plans (IPs)
I currently have an Integrated Shield Plan (IP) that covers me for Class A wards / Private Hospitals, but the premiums are getting more expensive especially as I get older. Should I switch to the Standard IP?
Can I upgrade to a higher coverage Integrated Shield Plan (IP) in future, if I buy the Standard IP now?
If I switch from a higher coverage Integrated Shield Plan (IP) to the Standard IP with the same insurer, will I need to go through additional underwriting and will my previous exclusions remain?
Why can’t the Government provide and administer the Standard Integrated Shield Plan, to ensure that premiums are more affordable and to cover pre-existing conditions with risk-loading, similar to MediShield Life?
Why does the Standard Integrated Shield Plan not cover pre-existing conditions with risk-loading?
Can I fully pay for the Standard Integrated Shield Plan (IP) premiums using MediSave at all ages?
I want to get the Standard Integrated Shield Plan (IP) but my insurer’s premiums are higher than other insurers. Should I switch to a Standard IP under another insurer?
Why are the Standard Integrated Shield Plan premiums different across all the insurers, even though benefits are the same?
Will the Government make any future changes to the Standard Integrated Shield Plan benefits?
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