31 questions
What are the detailed ElderFund eligibility criteria?
What is ElderFund?
Will the ElderFund payouts rise over time, like CareShield Life payouts?
If I have CareShield Life/ElderShield 300/ElderShield 400/IDAPE/Supplements or I am able to withdraw under MediSave Care, can I still qualify for ElderFund payouts?
If I do not have enough MediSave balance, but am able to draw from my spouse's MediSave for MediSave Care, can I still qualify for ElderFund?
I am below 30 and develop severe disability. Why can't I receive ElderFund now since I do not qualify for CareShield Life yet?
Will Singapore Permanent Residents be eligible for ElderFund?
Do Singaporeans residing overseas qualify for ElderFund payouts?
Is there a periodic disability re-assessment for ElderFund?
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