How do I obtain my trade mark registration certificate?

Upon successful registration, you will receive a certificate of registration. If your trade mark was registered before 24 November 2014, a hard copy certificate would have been sent by post. If your trade mark was registered on or after 24 November 2014, a soft copy certificate would have been sent to your account with IPOS immediately after the trade mark is registered. Please log in to your IPOS Digital Hub account at to retrieve the soft copy from your inbox.
If you have lost your registration certificate or wish to obtain a certified copy containing the most up to date trade mark details, please file Form CM12 and pay the prevailing fees through IPOS Digital Hub. If there are no deficiencies to the submitted Form CM12, you can expect the certified copy in your IPOS Digital Hub account inbox (for soft copy) or mailed out by IPOS (for hard copy) within 7 working days.