All questions
What is the eligibility criteria for MOE Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS)?
What is the average class size for the Sec 1 class in 2025?
Can my child offer Higher Mother Tongue at Sec 1 even if he/she is not offered the subject by MOE?
How many CCAs are there? / What CCAs does the school offer?
How do I apply for MOE FAS for my child?
We are currently under the Financial Assistance Scheme (FAS). Do we need to reapply again for financial assistance for the device? What form should I fill up for the application of the device? If my household income is less than $4000, how do I go about applying for assistance? How may I apply for subsidies for the purchase of the iPad?
Is it a must to use the Apple Pencil in class?
Can we continue to loan the school unit? Is it compulsory to install DMA on the iPad even if my child already owns his own device?
How much does the iPad cost? Are there options we can select for example, may we exclude the cover or screen protector? Does the iPad come with wifi only or does it come with wifi and cellular data?
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