School admissions are based on merit in the Secondary 1 Posting Exercise. Posting decisions are based on objective and transparent measures of academic merit i.e. PSLE scores.
Appeals that take place after the S1 Posting Exercise must be aligned to these principles, in order to be fair to other admitted students.
All students appealing into Nan Chiau High School must also have sat for the Chinese Language or Higher Chinese Language paper during their PSLE Examinations.
Primary 6 students who have applied to Nan Chiau High School during MOE’s Secondary 1 Posting Exercise but are unsuccessful, may appeal to be considered for transfer to Nan Chiau High School.
These students appealing for admission to NCHS after the release of the Secondary 1 Posting result have to meet the school’s cut-off point.
Students who do not meet the cut-off point would not be eligible to appeal for admissions.
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