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What should I do if I intend to nominate Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis), Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura, Wakaf Ilmu, Mosques, or Madrasahs as my CPF nominee?

Updated by MUIS

All CPF nominations must be made to a legal entity. All wakaf, mosques and madrasahs in Singapore are vested entities of Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura (Muis). If you intend to nominate any vested entities of Muis as your CPF nominee, please follow these steps:

Step 1: Indicate Muis' Unique Entity Number (UEN) T08GB0028L in the ‘Registration number of organisation’ field.

Step 2: After a successful completion, inform Muis and indicate your preferred nominee(s) (ie. Mosque, Madrasah, Wakaf Ilmu, Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura, Mosque-Building Fund, Dana Madrasah, Baitulmal) via this link: go.gov.sg/muis-cpfnomination. CPF Board will disburse the funds to Muis upon the passing of the nominator and Muis will channel it to the rightful establishments/funds based on your intent in the submitted form.

Note: We highly encourage you to consider nominating Wakaf Masyarakat Singapura (WMS), a form of multi-asset wakaf where the capital of the donation collected is prudently preserved and invested, and only the profits are distributed to three key beneficiaries. These beneficiaries include the preservation of religious institutions, the development of asatizahs, and support for social development initiatives.

Your generous contribution will play a pivotal role in advancing these noble causes and fostering positive change within our community. We appreciate your commitment to making a difference and are grateful for your support.

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