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Do I need to make a CPF nomination if I want my CPF savings to be distributed according to Faraid?



It is highly recommended to make a CPF nomination, even if you intend for your CPF savings to be distributed according to Faraid. You can nominate your Faraid heirs and their respective shares using the Syariah Court’s Faraid Calculator to determine the beneficiaries and their allocated portions. It's important to note that, according to a fatwa by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (Muis), CPF nomination is considered a form of hibah (gift), allowing you to allocate any portion of your CPF savings to your chosen recipients, including non-Faraid heirs or legal institutions. Only the following funds are covered in the nomination process i) CPF savings in your Ordinary, Special, MediSave and Retirement Accounts; ii) CPF LIFE premium balance; and iii) Discounted Singtel shares.

By making a CPF nomination, you ensure that your CPF savings are efficiently and conveniently distributed to your nominee(s) within a few weeks. On the other hand, if CPF savings are left unnominated, they will be held by the Public Trustee’s Office (PTO). In such cases, family members are required to initiate the claims process, obtain the deceased’s Inheritance Certificate from the Syariah Court, and provide other necessary documentation. This distribution process can take up to six months, and administration fees will be charged by the PTO and Syariah Court.

For the Syariah Court's Faraid Calculator, please visit the official website at [Syariah Court's Faraid Calculator](https://www.syariahcourt.gov.sg/Inheritance/Online-Trial-inheritance-Calculator/).

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