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What do I have to do to pay back the past Zakat Fitrah?

3 years ago I did not pay Zakat Fitrah because I had thought my father had paid it for me like he had been doing in the past years. However, in the last moments of Ramadhan, he informed me that I should pay it on my own. I tried to pay my Zakat Fitrah but was not able to at the last minute.

Updated by MUIS

For your information, Zakat Fitrah may be paid in Ramadan up to the start of Eid prayers. Payment after the abovesaid prayers is only considered as sadaqah. Considering you have missed the payment and it is not done on purpose, seek forgiveness from Allah SWT for the mistake and and take measures to rectify the situation so that it may not happen again for coming Ramadan. May your mistakes be forgiven by Allah SWT.

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