85 questions
Work passes
I found a lost work pass card. How do I return it?
Will my FIN number change if I am an existing pass holder applying for a new work pass?
How do I check the expiry date of a Work Pass or Long-Term Pass?
How do I find out the FIN of my Work Permit holder if it is not found in the approval letter?
If I don't use WP Online, how do I update medical insurance details for my Work Permit holders?
I have cancelled my worker’s Work Permit by mistake, how do I reinstate it?
Can Employers of Record in Singapore apply for work passes for foreigners to be based in Singapore while working for overseas companies?
Can I appeal against a decision to cancel my worker’s S Pass/Work Permit because they were caught serving as a company director?
Can i be granted quota in advance to apply for a Work Permit or S Pass if I currently do not have quota?
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