12 questions
Claims Under Medishield Life
How do I claim from MediShield Life?
What is the pro-ration factor? How does it affect my claim?
Can I submit the MediShield Life claim directly to the Central Provident Fund Board after I have settled the bill at the medical institution?
How do I view details of my MediShield Life claims from the online MediSave and/or MediShield Life Claim Statements?
Will the claim details on the online MediSave and/or MediShield Life Claim Statements be changed if the hospital adjusts my bill size?
What are the claim details that can be viewed from the online MediSave and/or MediShield Life Claim Statements?
Why am I unable to view claim details of my hospitalisation from the online MediSave and/or MediShield Life Claim Statements?
Will I be informed of how much I have claimed to date from the online MediSave and/or MediShield Life Claim Statements?
With the availability of the online MediSave and/or MediShield Life Claim Statements, will I still receive hardcopy statements?
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