48 questions
Joining CareShield Life for Singaporeans born in 1979 or earlier
Why is the Government auto-enrolling ElderShield 400 insureds who are born between 1970 to 1979 to CareShield Life?
Can I opt-out from CareShield Life?
I am a Singapore Citizen born in 1979 or earlier. How much CareShield Life participation incentives am I eligible for if I join and are covered under CareShield Life by 31 December 2024?
I am an existing ElderShield/ElderShield Supplement policyholder. Do I have to join CareShield Life?
If I am born in 1979 or earlier and develop severe disability, can I join CareShield Life?
I am an existing ElderShield insured. If I am eligible for ElderShield claims, should I claim from ElderShield or join CareShield Life?
I am born in 1979 or earlier. Will I have to pay extra premiums if I join CareShield Life with pre-existing medical conditions?
Why is universal coverage not extended to those born in 1979 or earlier?
Should I opt out of ElderShield if I would like to join CareShield Life?
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