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What is the cost of the HPV vaccination?

Updated by HAS

The HPV vaccination is recommended for all females aged 9 to 26 years as according to the National Childhood Immunisation Schedule (NCIS) and National Adult Immunisation Schedule (NAIS).

For Singapore citizen females aged 18 – 26 years, (i.e. first dose to be taken from 18th birthday to before 27th birthday), the subsidised price fee cap of HPV2 vaccination at CHAS clinics is dependent on the type of CHAS card you hold.

  • Orange and Blue CHAS Card holders: For a limited time, Temasek Foundation will fully fund the remaining out-of-pocket payment at participating CHAS clinics (i.e. pay $0) under the Singapore Cancer Society – Temasek Foundation HPV Immunisation Programme at over 300 GP clinics islandwide. For more details visit: https://www.singaporecancersociety.org.sg/jabouthpv/

  • Green CHAS card holders: The maximum amount you will pay for HPV2 vaccination is $45 per dose. MediSave can be used to cover the remaining out-of-pocket payment.

Children and adolescents:

  • HPV2 vaccination is offered as a school-based programme for Secondary 1 and Secondary 2 female students.

  • For SC females aged 9 – 17 years, the HPV2 vaccination is also available and fully subsidised (i.e. pay $0) at CHAS GP clinics and polyclinics.

Permanent Residents:

Female PRs aged 9 – 26 years may receive the HPV2 vaccination at CHAS clinics, but it is not subsidised. The vaccination costs for HPV2 may be fully paid by MediSave.

Please check with the CHAS clinic directly on the cost of vaccination and possibility to use MediSave for payment. Please check with the CHAS clinic directly on the cost of vaccination.


SC and PR females aged 18 to 26 years may receive the subsidised HPV2 vaccination at polyclinics and may use MediSave to pay the remaining out of pocket payment. The subsidy is based on individual means testing. Please check with the polyclinic directly on how much you will need to pay for the vaccination.


All other females, including SC and PRs aged 27 and older may use this site to book the HPV vaccination, subject to your doctor’s assessment that you are clinically recommended to receive the vaccination. Please note you are not eligible for subsidies and MediSave may not be used to cover the out-of-pocket costs of HPV vaccinations.

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