All questions
How do I retrieve my course certificate?
My Landscape Safety Orientation Course(LSOC) had expired. How do I go about renewing it?
I am looking to join the landscape or horticulture industry in the future. Currently working as an engineer.I intend to sign up for WSQ level 2 modules and work in related areas. Followed by WSQ diploma modules after that. Is this the best route for such career change? What does WSQ full qualification criteria for WSQ diploma mean?
What are the courses that I have to take if I want to be a horticulturist?
What are the recommended WSQ Landscape Courses for Senior Management personnel?
Where can I get updates for upcoming CUGE courses?
I have problems registering for programme on CUGE's website. How can I get help?
I am interested in one of the Progressive Wage Model (PWM) modules. Can I just attend one of the modules?
How can I register for CUGE Training Programmes?
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