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Does being in DSA X (e.g. MEP) potentially reduces my chances of attending other talent programmes in CHS?



In CHS, we aim to develop students holistically so long as they have the passion for learning and take the initiative to excel. Being a DSA student does not reduce your chance in being selected for other development programmes. For example, some of our DSA Mathematics students are also in our CΩERGY science talent development programme. All DSA students (including Sports DSA) have a range of opportunities to develop themselves, be it in aesthetics, bilingualism, humanities or science. All DSA students are also able to develop themselves and seize opportunities to be student leaders, be it in their respective CCAs, as Ambassadors in another area, or as part of our Student Leadership Board (e.g. as Student Councillor). DSA Academic, MEP and Leadership students can choose their CCAs after joining CHS.

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