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How are students selected for the Bi-cultural Chinese Elective Programme (BiCEP) programme?



Each year, P3 students will be recommended by their Form Teachers and Subject Teachers, based on the following:
1) ability and motivation towards language learning (both EL and CL) demonstrated in class;
2) desire and passion to learn Chinese culture (i.e. the interest level) based on P1-P3 culture modules observation;
3) Conduct of the child;
4) Able to pass the Culture Quiz conducted in Term 4

*Parents who feel that their children satisfy the eligibility criteria may also recommend their children for the interview.

Opt to take HCL in P5 and P6:
Student is required to take HCL in P5 and P6.

If your child is shortlisted to attend an interview for this programme after meeting the eligibility criteria, you will be given written notification of the interview.
After the interview process, only students selected for this programme will receive a written notification of their selection. 

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