Do students offered Higher Chinese also sit for the Chinese paper at PSLE?
HCL students take both the Chinese and Higher Chinese examinations at the PSLE.
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Top Questions From Citizens
HCL students take both the Chinese and Higher Chinese examinations at the PSLE.
If you are in school, approach your teacher or our Desktop Engineers at Level 4 IT Office to reset/unlock your MIMs or SLS account.
If you are at home, you may fill up the form - and we will get back to you in 1-3 working days.
Please call Transitlink Hotline at 1800-2255663 and the card will be invalidated with 48 hours.
Parent must place the child on waiting list via
Please note that the waiting list does not guarantee the child a place in the school. If parents do not hear from school during the 6-month period, they will need to submit the application again.
The school will contact the parent should a suitable vacancy arise.
A student is strongly encouraged to remain in their CCA from P3 to P6. In the event a change is required, parent to download the CCA Withdrawal/Transfer form from the school website. The parent to then submit the completed form to the CCA Teacher-in-charge for follow up. (CCA Transfers will only be reviewed from Term 4 Week 4 of the current year. Urgent cases will be reviewed on a case by case basis).
For dental appointments, you can call the contact no. 8764 5447. If the dental nurse is unavailable, kindly Whatsapp her as she may be in the midst of treating a student.
You can find all the resources here. To access this site, log in using your MIMs/Student iCON ID that ends with
The first thing you need to do is set your Challenge Questions. (If you have set your challenge questions, skip the steps below)
Login to MIMs Portal.
On the main menu, click on Application.
Then click Set Challenge Questions.
You will be asked to set 3 questions.
After setting them, click Save Answers.
Login to MIMs Portal.
Enter your MIMS Login ID and you will be prompted with the Challenge Questions you have set earlier.
Once challenge question has been answered correctly, you will then be able to reset your password.
You can check the home-school distance category from the Singapore Land Authority's (SLA) OneMap SchoolQuery Service. To use this service:
1. Go to SchoolQuery on the OneMap website.
2. Read the "School Query - Disclaimer" information and select "I Agree"
3. Select the "Find Schools Near a Building" option.
4. Enter your residential address in the "Search and Explore" box. Your address will be displayed in the dropdown address list.
5. Select your address. A list of "Schools within 1km" and "Schools between 1-2km" will be displayed.
Refer to this link for more details.
There is a Student Care Centre situated in our school. You may call them directly at 6456 0919 for further details.
The application form for alumni membership can be found at
Kindly sign and post the completed membership form together with the following documents to Ai Tong School Alumni Association, 100 Bright Hill Drive, Singapore 579646.
Other required documents:
A copy of your school records (PSLE Certificate, report book or any other document in support of your application)
Do contact the SHHK office at 62228212 for more information
Parent must submit the application via E-GIRO through Parents' Gateway.
Parents should contact General Office or Class DOJO the form teachers to inform of the change in address.