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What is the money collected under OurMasjid.SG used for?

Updated by MUIS


Our mosque officers are our front liners. Be it the mosque religious officers (MRO), social development officers (SDO), imam, bilal or noja, they face thousands of you, the congregants, every week. Your donation supports their salaries.


Used by congregants for wudhu and other purposes, water usage forms the largest component of our mosques’ utility bills. While we have done a lot to encourage good water-saving habits, the sheer number of congregants visiting our mosques mean that water consumption is high. The need for heightened cleaning and disinfecting regimes due to COVID-19 has also incurred higher costs for the mosques. Your donation helps the mosque defray the cost of water usage and other utilities.


Operating our mosques require a strong and dedicated team of employees that ensures the space remains comfortable for all, with services offered in the best manner possible. Mosque officers brought many of their programmes such as their regular kuliah online to serve the spiritual needs of the congregants. Your donation will ensure that these programmes can be supported and the officers can continue with the necessary preparations for the reopening of mosques.

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