Can I revoke (terminate) my LPA after it is registered?

Yes, at any time if you have the mental capacity to revoke (terminate) your LPA.
Your existing LPA can be revoked for the following reasons:
1. As a Donor, you reapply for a new LPA on OPGO
2. An event occurs with no surviving party:
Death of Donor or Donee
Liquidation, winding up, dissolution of Donee (as a corporation) or when placed under judicial management
Donor or Donee becomes bankrupt (this only revokes the LPA so far as it relates to the Donor’s property and affairs)
Dissolution (i.e. divorce) or annulment of a marriage between Donor and Donee (unless LPA states otherwise)
Donee loses mental capacity
If you wish to revoke your existing LPA, please:
1. Complete and sign the revocation form.
2. Take reasonable steps to give written notice to every Donee that you are revoking the LPA by delivering it personally, sending it via post, or if the postal address is not known, via email.
3. Inform the Public Guardian of the revocation by providing the following items to the Office of the Public Guardian by post or email:
The completed and signed revocation form, and
A photocopy of your ID
If you are also making a new LPA application, please do so via the OPG Online system (OPGO).
4. Pay the cancellation fee of $30 via OPGO.
OPG will provide instructions on how to make payment via email before processing your revocation.
The Public Guardian may also require the Donor to provide further information or documents before cancelling the registration of the LPA.