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I suspect my child has developmental needs. Where can I go to get help? How do I know which programme is the best for my child?



During screenings and medical check-ups, healthcare professionals in the polyclinics, paediatricians and General Practitioners (GPs) may detect delays in children’s development. In such cases, they will refer the child to the Child Development Programme in [KKH (Department of Child Development)]or [NUH (Child Development Unit)] for diagnosis of developmental concerns. You may also request for a follow-up by the [Child Guidance Clinic] or a private paediatrician/child psychiatrist/psychologist.

Preschool teachers may also flag children with suspected developmental delays to Learning Support Educators (LSEds) for assessment. You may refer to the developmental milestones in your child’s [Health Booklet] as reference points.

If you suspect your child has developmental delays, you may bring your child to the nearest [polyclinic] or [CHAS GPs] for assessment/ [Childhood Developmental Screening (CDS)] More information on the various early intervention programmes is also available [here].

More information can be obtained from the SG Enable [website]. contact SG Enable at [contactus@sgenable.sg] or 1800 8585 885.

Note: Airtime charges apply for mobile calls to 1800 service lines.

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