24 questions
Shared parental leave
Can I return my shared parental leave to my wife if I don’t use it?
Can I take a few days of shared parental leave, rather than in weeks?
Can I take shared parental leave while my wife is on maternity leave?
Do I need my employer’s consent to consume the Shared Parental Leave?
If I leave my job before finishing my shared parental leave, does it carry over to my new job, or can I return the leave to my spouse?
Is there a cap to Government reimbursement of shared parental leave?
My new employer has allowed me to take my leftover shared parental leave. Will the government reimburse them?
If I resign while I'm on shared parental leave, can I use the leave period to offset my resignation notice?
My wife had a miscarriage. Am I eligible for shared parental leave?
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