14 questions
Will patients referred by polyclinics enjoy the GPFirst subsidy?
What are the GPFirst Terms and Conditions?
How do I know if my neigbourhood GP clinic is participating in this programme?
How much would I be charged at the participating GP clinics?
I visited a GPFirst participating clinic in Bedok and was given a GPFirst referral to CGH Emergency Department (ED) because my condition requires urgent treatment. However, I would like to go to the ED at KTPH as I live in Yishun. Will my GPFirst referral be valid?
Once the GPFirst Referral form is issued can I visit the ED the next day?
What if I lose my GPFirst Referral form?
How does the participating acute hospital Emergency Department (ED) and Urgent Care Centre (UCC) identify patients referred under GPFirst?
Is GPFirst applicable to CHAS patients, even though they have already received subsidised care at GP clinics?
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