Many Singapore Residents, especially the elderly, do not receive any payout for their bills, due to the deductible. Can the deductible be further lowered for MediShield Life so that more Singapore Residents can benefit from the scheme?
Deductibles focus MediShield Life coverage on the larger bills, where protection is most critical. By not covering smaller bills, which can be adequately covered by Medisave, MediShield Life premiums can be kept more affordable. Deductibles accumulate across bills and are payable only once a policy year.
Most Singaporean families have sufficient Medisave to cover the deductibles. The Government also provides Medisave top-ups for lower-income and elderly Singaporeans through schemes such as Workfare, GST Voucher scheme, and Pioneer Generation and Merdeka Generation Packages. For those who are unable to afford the deductible, MediFund assistance is available at the public hospitals.
This information provided here is sourced from the MOH website.
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