I was tested positive. Can I recover at home with my household member who is negative?

Yes. You can recover at home with your household member who is negative with the following measures to minimise the risk of transmission:
You should take appropriate infection prevention control measures during your recovery at home. Should you reside with a vulnerable household member, preventive measures such as wearing a mask, cleaning the toilet after every use and not sharing a room with other household members should be taken to mitigate infection spread. Alternatively, kindly consider other accommodations arrangements, if possible.
Practise good personal hygiene by washing your hands regularly with soap and water.
If you are using a shared bathroom, the surfaces that you touch should be wiped down with disinfectant or bleach solution after each use.
Please ensure that your family members handle your laundry and trash carefully while wearing gloves, if possible. They should wash their hands with soap after doing so and avoid touching their faces before washing their hands.
You may wish to monitor your oxygen saturation using an oximeter and temperature if unwell. It is not required to report your readings.