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I am a foreigner. What happens to my SRS deposits when I leave Singapore?

Updated by MOF
Any cash proceeds from the maturity of your SRS investments or deposits will be retained in your SRS account. You may withdraw your SRS monies at any time. You may also continue to operate your SRS account after leaving Singapore.   As for the taxability of SRS withdrawals, all withdrawals are generally taxable. In addition, all withdrawals made before the retirement age (currently 62) attract a 5% penalty.   As a concession, the 5% penalty is waived for foreigners who withdraw their SRS monies in one lump sum after maintaining their SRS accounts for at least 10 years. The SRS operators will be withholding tax (and the 5% penalty if applicable) on withdrawals made by foreigners and Singapore Permanent Residents (SPRs).

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