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What are the types of fund-raising permit/license requirements that fund-raisers must apply?

Updated by MCCY-CU

The requirements differ depending on the type of appeal.


  1. If a charity, commercial fund-raiser or commercial participator wishes to conduct any fund-raising appeal for foreign charitable purposes, the organisation will need to apply for a Fund-raising for Foreign Charitable Purposes (FRFCP) permit from the Commissioner of Charities.  This is regardless of the mode of appeal (i.e. public/private or online/offline).

  2. With effect from 9 October 2023, registered and exempt charities under the Charities Act 1994, and valid permit-holders raising funds for foreign charitable purpose approved by the Commissioner of Charities (“valid permit-holders”) are exempted from having to apply for a House to House and Street Collections (HHSC) licence from the Police before they raise funds in public. These entities must submit details of public fund-raising appeals conducted by or for these entities via the Charity Portal at least seven (7) working days prior to the start of the appeal.

  3. House to house and street collections are still licensed by the Police under the HHSC Act except for collections by or for registered and exempt charities under the Charities Act 1994 and valid permit-holders raising funds for foreign charitable purpose approved by the Commissioner of Charities (“valid permit-holders”). For instance, house to house and street collections for a charitable cause and not for the benefit of any registered or exempt charity will still be licensed by the Police under the HHSC Act. An application for HHSC licence can be done through the Singapore Police Force via GoBusiness Licensing website.

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