A Singapore Government Agency Website 

How is electronic money (e-money) different from deposits and digital payment tokens (DPTs)?



Source: https://www.mas.gov.sg

E-money vs DPT:
A payment account may take the form of an e-wallet which is funded with e-money. This e-money is denominated in or pegged by the issuer to a fiat currency. This is an important distinction from DPTs.

Where the monetary value of the electronically stored amount in fiat currency cannot be determined without referring to some form of market mechanism, for example through the trading of the electronically stored monetary value on an exchange, such electronically stored amount is not e-money but may be a DPT.

E-money vs Deposits:
E-money is money paid in advance under a contract for the provision of a service. E-money are not bank deposits and therefore not protected by deposit insurance. That said, MPIs are required to safeguard their e-money float. 

MAS has also issued a consultation paper on the scope of e-money and DPT. You may wish to refer to part 3 of Consultation on the Payment Services Act 2019 - Scope of E-money and Digital Payment Tokens for more information.

This information provided here is sourced from the MAS website.

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