A Singapore Government Agency Website 

Can a vendor refuse to accept Brunei notes or coins?



Source: https://www.mas.gov.sg
Under the Brunei-Singapore Currency Interchangeability Agreement (CIA), Brunei Darussalam's and Singapore's currencies can be exchanged at par and without charge at the respective countries’ local banks.

While private entities (including individuals and businesses) cannot be forced to accept the Brunei currency for payment of goods and services in Singapore, the Monetary Authority of Singapore has been educating and encouraging them on the acceptance of Brunei currency in Singapore, in keeping with the spirit of the Agreement.

If you encounter difficulties paying a vendor in Brunei currency in Singapore, you can provide MAS via the online feedback form with the following details so that we can engage the respective vendor accordingly:
  • Name, full address of the vendor, and if possible, their telephone number.
  • Date and time of the incident.
  • Details of the purchase and what was said by the vendor.

This information provided here is sourced from the MAS website.

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