A Singapore Government Agency Website 

I have not received my interest payment. What should I do?



Source: https://www.mas.gov.sg
  • For cash subscriptions, check your designated DCS-linked bank account for the interest payments. If you cannot remember which bank account is linked to your CDP account, you can check using the CDP internet service or refer to the header section in your monthly CDP account statement to find out.
  • For SRS subscriptions, interest will be paid into your SRS account. Check your SRS account for interest payments. 
  • Please note that interest payments are made every 6 months from the issue date (and not the application month) of the SSB. Check the exact SSB issue which you hold (i.e. through CDP statements, online CDP account, or SSB’s My Savings Bonds portal) and look out for interest payments in the correct month.

This information provided here is sourced from the MAS website.

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