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Does IPOS conduct IP enforcement and what actions can be taken against infringing acts?

Updated by IPOS

IPOS is the national authority that administers the IP legislation, as well as the registration of IP rights in Singapore. We do not, however, have the authority to conduct IP enforcement or prosecute cases of IP infringement. These matters are to be handled by the IP rights owners through legal actions and/or by reporting to the Intellectual Property Rights Branch (IPRB) of the Singapore Police Force.

For information on what are the possible legal actions that can be taken by IP rights owner relating to copyright infringement, please visit https://www.ipos.gov.sg/about-ip/copyright/infringement-enforcement.

Separately, IPRB can be contacted at 6435 0000 or an online report can be made via https://eservices.police.gov.sg/content/policehubhome/homepage.html

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