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My company is currently paying a licence fee to COMPASS. Music Rights (Singapore) Public Limited now approaches my company claiming that my company needs to pay a licence fee to Music Rights (Singapore) Public Limited too. Both are collective management organisation(s) ("CMOs")

Updated by IPOS
  • The new Copyright Act 2021 introduces a new right of equitable remuneration for publicly performing sound recordings. This is separate and in addition to rights in respect of music. This means that if your existing licences is in respect of music only (which is the type of licence which COMPASS typically grants), it will not cover the new public performance right in respect of sound recordings (which in Singapore is collectively managed by Music Rights (Singapore) Pte Ltd (“MRSS”)).


  • Each CMO in Singapore administers a certain repertoire of works, and a certain set of rights in each work. It is important for you to determine what works you intend to use and which CMO, if any, administers the relevant rights in those works. For a list of the main CMOs operating in Singapore and the rights each of them administer.


  • Composers and Authors Society of Singapore Limited (COMPASS) and Music Rights (Singapore) Public Limited (MRSS) are the main CMOs in Singapore which administer musical works. You should check with them to ensure that the songs you intend to use are within their repertoire. You should also check with them to ensure that they administer licences which cover your intended uses of the songs. If they do not cover the songs you intend to play, you will need to contact the copyright owner directly to obtain a licence to use his or her works.

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