A Singapore Government Agency Website 

How to apply for the EEG (Base)?



Source: https://www.gobusiness.gov.sg

For Manufacturing (including Food Manufacturing) Companies
Applications will be submitted through NEA_EEG@nea.gov.sg
To apply for the EEG (Base), manufacturing companies will have to: i. Email NEA_EEG@nea.gov.sg to verify company’s eligibility and request for application documents.
ii. Obtain quotations from the vendor.
iii. Submit application via NEA_EEG@nea.gov.sg

For Food Services and Retail Companies
Applications will be submitted through the Business Grants Portal (BGP) which is a one-stop portal for business to apply for government grants.
To apply for the EEG (Base), companies will have to:
i. Visit GoBusiness to access the list of supported equipment brands and models.
ii. Obtain quotations from the vendor.
iii. Submit an application on the BGP. Companies will need to have a CorpPass account to transact on the BGP.

This information provided here is sourced from the GB website.

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