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What is Additional Wage ceiling and how do I calculate it?



Source: https://www.cpf.gov.sg/member

The Additional Wage (AW) ceiling limits the amount of AW that attract CPF contributions. The AW ceiling is applied on a per employer per calendar year basis. The Additional Wage ceiling is computed as follows:

$102,000* - Total Ordinary Wage subject to CPF contributions for the year

*Equivalent to 17 months x Ordinary Wage ceiling of $6,000

The AW ceiling formula above does not take into account the revision of Ordinary Wage ceiling of $6,300 from Sep 2023. Please refer to this FAQ on how to compute the AW ceiling for the year 2023.

You can access the following resources to help you with the computation:

a. AW ceiling Calculator

b. Examples on the Computation of the AW ceiling (PDF, 0.6MB)

This information provided here is sourced from the CPF website.

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