How does AGO ensure quality in its audits?

AGO has a Quality Assurance Framework (QAF). This AGO QAF comprises systems, structures, policies and procedures that are designed to provide reasonable assurance that the audits done by AGO meet recognised professional standards.
The AGO QAF comprises the following elements:
Leadership which sets out AGO's vision and mission, enabling legislation, core values, organisation structure and decision-making bodies, and professional standards adopted. It also lays down the AGO Pledge and AGO Code of Conduct and Ethics which AGO auditors must abide by.
Human Capital which sets out the management policies and procedures to attract, retain, motivate and develop a high calibre workforce in order that AGO has staff with the professional qualification, technical competence and capabilities to carry out their work well.
Managing Audits which deals with the application of auditing standards in AGO audits from start to finish, including communicating the results of audit in management letters and reporting summaries of selected audit findings in the annual Report of the Auditor-General to the President and Parliament.
Monitoring and Policy Reviews which are to provide reasonable assurance that AGO is complying with professional standards and its core values. It covers mechanisms such as internal reviews of audits conducted and benchmarking to help ensure quality and continuous improvement throughout the whole organisation.