Singpass App Onboarding Pre-requisite
Please ensure you have updated to the latest version of Google Play Store or Huawei AppGallery.
To view your Play Store version, follow these steps:
Go to the Play Store app, tap on user account > “Settings” > “About”
Play Store must be at least version 40
Ensure “Play Protect certification” shows that “Device is certified”
If you are using a China ROM device with sideloaded Play Store:
Update OS if a new version is available
Don’t rely on the “Update Play Store” button in the Play Store app
If the device has its own vendor's app market (eg: Oppo App Market, Vivo V-Appstore, Xiaomi Get Apps), search for Play Store on the market and update the Play Store app from there
Otherwise, using the same method when installing Play Store on the device, manually check and update the Play Store app
Additional Guide:
Ensure the Google or Huawei server is connectable
Open the Play Store or Huawei AppGallery to allow the app to synchronise with the server
If you are in China, Google service may be blocked by the local service provider. Using a Singapore roaming data plan may resolve the connection issue