How do I check the status/information of my divorce case?

If you wish to check on the status or information of your Divorce case, you may do so by filing an application to the Court at the LawNet & CrimsonLogic Service Bureau in the form of a Request for Inspection of the Court file ("Request").
If you do not have the divorce case number, please email to for assistance on case search.
Depending on your search result(s), you will need to pay either $10 or $20 per year, depending on whether your search is in the Family Courts or the Family Division of High Court. Payment can be made by internet banking / bank transfer or PayNow. In this respect, please note that the Family Justice Courts are only able to conduct this search if the divorce proceedings were commenced in Singapore.
The LawNet & Crimson Logic Service Bureaus are located at the following locations:
Supreme Court
1 Supreme Court Lane
Level 1, Supreme Court Building
Singapore 178879
Tel: (65) 6337 9164
Email: Courts
1 Havelock Square, Level 2
Singapore 059724
Tel: (65) 6538 9507